Dave Higuera bought what then was the Rifle Chevron station when he was 18 years old, probably about 1972 or 1973.

The laws had just been changed so that the age of majority was 18 and not 21.  He went to the bank to borrow some of the money to buy it, and Al Koeneke, the bank president called me (I was their lawyer back then) to see if he could lend David the money.  I said that he could, and he did; he later boasted about being one of the first to lend money to a teenager  at his next bankers’ convention

Dave continued to operate the business through several name changes (Rifle Chevron, Rifle Amoco Rifle BP (very briefly) and finally Rifle Conoco) and suffered one catastrophic fire set by an arsonist, but sold the business a few months ago so that the Kum ‘n Go store could expand.  They closed the station in July, and tore it down shortly thereafter. Now it’s a vacant lot.  Very strange.