Steve & Georgia Carter

Our Notebook

Page 18 of 20

Josh’s aphorisms

An aphorism is an original thought, spoken or written in a laconic and memorable form.  At 5 years old, our grandson has come up with more aphorisms than anybody I know.  Here are some examples:

September 20, 2013:

Josh informed me tonight that he wants to be an actor when he grows up. I think that fits him well!

Josh: mom, do you know what state they play a lot if tennis in?
Me: No, which state?
Josh: Tennessee!!

August 15, 2012, Christi:

Josh’s thought of the day.

Josh: When didn’t I exist? When I was a baby?
Me: Before you were born
Josh: Where did I exist before I was born?

Me: That’s a very good question…I don’t know
Josh: I think I existed in your heart, mom

July 31, 2012: Christi:  Me: “Josh, I really want to get inside your head sometimes, so I can see how you think.”
Josh: “Why? There’s scary stuff in there – like trains and stuff.”

June 20, 2012:  Christi …So, I was showing Josh a mask that is used for CPR and explaining it to him when he says, “oh it’s like the old people masks. Soon you’re going to be old mom and need one of those.”. Gee, thanks, kid!

April 16, 2012 Josh got up on the chair and said,”I’m a dead end!”

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March 31, 2012: Josh showed me (Terry) all the car part sculptures. We walked to Daylight Donuts and almost home! I told Josh you can run faster than your old man. He said “you’re not my old man, Grandpa is!”

March 28, 2012: He locked his door…again. Terry opened it with the screwdriver on his Swiss Army knife, and told the shocked little boy that he had a master key.

“No, my key (his toy plastic one) is the master key because I’m the master of the house…”

March 13, 2012: Just before arriving at Jackie’s house

Josh: Did you say macaroni?
Me: yes
Josh: Apartment here I come!

March 12, 2012:While on vacation in Arizona “Daddy: “josh can I have some of your pizza?”
Josh: “sure, because if you’re family your spit tastes the same.”

March 4, 2012:  Terry and Josh saw a couple riding a tandem bicycle on their way home from church this morning.  “That is a limo bike!” he said. Continue reading

Corned Beef Hash Experiment

While Georgia has been in Grand Junction, I’ve been playing with this weblog to see if I understand how to use its features. It’s not quite as easy to use as Picasa or Google+ or Facebook, but I think I’ve got more control over the content and who can view it.  I’ve been inspired by a blogger on the motorcycle Adventure Riders forum.  He goes  by the name Radioman (I haven’t figured out exactly where the name came from). He’s in his mid 50’s, and for the last few years was a caregiver while his wife descended into Altzheimers.  After her death, he decided to do the one thing he’d wanted to do all his life – take a round-the-world motorcycle trip.  He posts updates every day or two and has created an online blog  to chronicle his adventures. He’s a very good photographer and awesome video editor:
and his theory is that if you include lots of pictures, you make an interesting weblog. So I’m trying this this morning with pictures of me constructing home-made corned beef hash.

I started with some corned beef Georgia had made a few days ago, an onion and a potato.  Thank goodness for the food processor! A few whirls, and it’s done!

Cook until done, then add one of Jen Saborn’s colorful home grown eggs in the little green egg poaching boats and enjoy:

Add a cup of coffee, and the morning newspapers (the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel in dead tree format and the Denver Post on my Kindle Fire) and I’m good to go!

So how was it? Pretty good, and a lot less salty than the stuff that comes in cans. And how long did it take me to post this? I’m not telling. But I’m retired so it doesn’t matter!!, another Google product, is littered with blogs that people have started and abandoned, because it turns out that nobody cares what the author has labored on.  I’m not egotistical enough to think that this would be any different.  Nonetheless, it is a pretty good way to keep a journal of what we’re doing.  And unlike Facebook, this is entirely under my control.

Who’s  the audience for this?  You.  Me in 20 years.  And perhaps our grandchildren when it’s time to write a high school story on “Things My Grandparents Taught Me.”

You do not need to be registered to view the entries here, but if you are you can view all of the posts, including the ones which are hidden because they contain information or pictures of our grandchildren, and you can leave comments.

It is set so that Google won’t find it.  With luck.


March roars in like a lion

What can I say?  March roared in like a lion.  At 6:30 a.m. there was no snow at all.  By 10:30 this is what was outside:


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