Our Notebook

Happy New Year!


If this is your first visit to our weblog, welcome!   This site is what’s called a vanity blog; it has information of great interest to us and somewhat less to our friends and relatives and virtually none to anybody else.  Mostly it involves family and friends, projects we’re involved in or trips we’ve taken.

You don’t need to register to read most of the entries, to post comments or to “like” the page on Facebook. To “like” a page, just click on the appropriate button and it will show up on your Facebook timeline.  To add a comment, click on the little balloon-like black cloud that appears at the upper right hand corner of each post.  The posts are moderated, in order to stop spam, which means you won’t see them right away.

Pages with personally identifiable information about our grandchildren and some other items require that you register.   If you do wish to register, fill in your proposed username and email address on the box to the right, and I’ll approve you quickly.

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!

1 Comment

  1. paula

    great job and it is beautiful

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