Our Notebook


Georgia reminded me earlier this week that November 3 was my father’s birthday.  He would have been 94 years old.

Me and my father, in Boulder, probably about 1970

Then I started looking around and realized that October 24, 2011, when we were doing – nothing important – was the twentieth anniversary of his death in Keizer, Oregon.  I had forgotten.

Finally, I found that sometime I had uploaded a really maudlin song by one of my favorite performers,   The Old Man by Phil Coulter to my webspace.

I listened to it for awhile and then started crying.  God, I sometimes forget how much I miss him.  And I always will.

1 Comment

  1. Cathy

    I miss him, too. I have his birthday on my calendar of people’s birthdays, and mentioned his birthday to Greg’s mom. It turns out her father was born on November 2, 1895!

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